Disk Size Manager 2.0 is the latest released version of this utility for Windows. This program is delivered on a shareware basis and there is a trial version available for downloading directly from the developer's website. We can also purchase this product from there. Disk Size Manager gives us the opportunity to view our entire computer directory content size, including all external drivers and removable devices. After the scanning is completed, we will be able to know the size for each selected unit, folder, file, etc., in Bytes, Kilobytes, Megabytes, and Gigabytes. It is possible to see the content volume in percents, sort by name, size, search for any file and folder, show pie graph, bars graph, file types, file owners, and view the Help Guide, map network drive, and options. From the toolbar menu, we can select File, View, Scan, Tools, and Help. It has a very simple and intuitive user’s interface. We just enter the folder and press the arrow. It will immediately start scan that folder and present the results in the directory tree and the Main Window. We can save the reports, print them, export to Excel, HTML or plain Text. The Help guide gives information about how to make the most of this program, and how to take advantage of knowing the wasted space. It runs under Windows 9x, ME, 2000, NT, and XP operating system.